RETIRE RICH - OFWs deserve to retire rich

Tuesday, April 23

The day I decided to become a stock market trader

On 1st March 2019, I decided to become a stock market trader. Hence, shifting my paradigm from being a stock market investor to become a stock trader. I will journal in this blog my stock trading journey. 

I've got my online COL Financial account opened in 2015. It was the year that God gave me the opportunity to participate in the Philippine Stock Market. The opportunity was given to me thru OFSI. For those who followed this humble blog, OFSI is familiar to you already. For starters, you may click this link to know more about OFSI ---

OFSI opened my eyes to look for opportunities around us that will help us achieve financial independence. Together with my friend, Don Juan of Tabang Pinoy and DCS Store, we explored a lot of business ideas. Don Juan was the person who introduced me to OFSI. It was OFSI who opened our eyes to find ways, ideas to achieve financial independence. Don Juan was able to establish DCS Store and still exploring other viable opportunities. 

I explored business opportunities to my native place in Mindanao. There was a lot of business potential there, but it required my full time and physically be there to manage it.  

It will be a huge gamble to let go of my job here in Kuwait to pursue something you may or may not be able to sustain in the long run. Hence, I look for other business models/platform that can be done as a side hustle wherein I can utilize resources at hand, like internet based business opportunities. 

I have passion also for writing and boxing. These two things I've got passionate into, I was able to club together. Hence, the creation of a website called The Boxing Diary. This website provided me with some passive income thru Adsense. I ventured also to crowdfunding platforms such as Cropital and FundKo wherein I lend my money to Pinoy farmers and borrowers. It's one way of helping them finance farmer's capital and borrower's need. In return, I will be able to get back my capital and some little returns in a form of interest. 

The above of course could help achieve my goal to attain financial independence and ultimately retire rich, but it is not enough. 

Here comes the opportunity to realize my goal thru the stock market. I started investing in the stock market in 2015. The reward is sky high, so as the risk along with it. So far, I learned that there are two types of players present in the stock market. The investors and traders. The investors are looking at the fundamental aspect of a company/stock and invest fundamentally rock solid/blue chip stocks, and undervalued stocks and then profit from it as the stock price goes up in the long term. 

The traders, on the other hand, are looking at technical analysis (as a priority) and goes in and out of position in the stock market in the short term. Sounds like a quick rich scheme. But it is not. It requires discipline more than knowledge.  

Well, what I know, if I become a profitable trader, I could eventually realize my dream to retire rich from working as an OFW in a shorter period compared to investing. 

So, I decided to shift from being an investor to become a trader. This is easier said than done. I know. So I'll share this journey to you in the form of a journal. So guys, wish me luck!

I accept and embrace that trading is not all about winning all the trade but you win some and lose some. But I read from a respectable author that says, "cut losses short and let winners run.

My next post will be the journal of my first trade. Hint, it was a profit from JFC.

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